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*Not sure which book to read next? Take a look at this page to see all of my novels, categorized by literary genre and level of steam!!  🙂



Exciting Audio News: Beginning March 2024, the audiobook of my novel THE ROAD AND BEYOND (narrated by the wonderful Lisa Bunting) will be a featured story available for passengers to listen to onboard when flying on Lufthansa Group airlines!!!

Check out the book page for the novel & read an excerpt HERE!





BOOK NEWS for November 2023: TWO Releases!

Love’s Fingerprints: a short story collection

Out now on all platforms (AmazonAppleB&NKobo, and more) is a women’s fiction short story collection for readers who enjoy a mix of relationship-focused tales. Some are happier, others sadder. Some are about first love while others explore life after divorce. There are young people and long married couples, too. 

This collection about love, family life, friends, and finding oneself contains 1 novelette and 12 short stories, including the award-winning “The Wish Box.” If you’re a fan of shorter fiction, I hope you’ll enjoy this one!

Not Another Roman Holiday: a novella

And…also available everywhere (AmazonAppleB&NKobo, and more) — released on November 26th — is a light & fun romantic comedy based on my longtime love of the classic Gregory Peck/Audrey Hepburn film Roman Holiday!!! If you’re a rom-com lover and would like an escapist Vespa ride through Rome, check out this novella! Story details are HERE!!

For some extra literary fun, take a peek at this page on where I got to share my list of the “Best Romance Novels Inspired by British Classics, and this page, too, where I mention my “3 Favorite Reads in 2023.”


In celebration of Jane Austen’s birthday & the holiday season, you can download a PDF of this *FREE* Christmas anthology of Austen-inspired fiction, featuring 13 authors (myself included!) and offered to readers in both English & in Spanish — edited and translated by Cristy Huelsz. My story is an excerpt from my novel THE KNIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, and I hope you’ll enjoy it, along with the other wonderful wintry tales!!

Click HERE for the English edition
Click HERE for the Spanish edition

Wishing you all a very happy holiday season and healthy & peaceful 2023!


November 2022: THE SECRET LIFE OF MAGGIE BLAKE is now available on Apple, Kobo, B&N, Amazon and more! Pick up a copy of the ebook or paperback!! (And visit the book page for this novel on my website HERE to check out the excerpt.) I’m thrilled to finally be able share this light romantic suspense/action & adventure tale with you all! xo


Check out the fun interview/author-to-author conversation I had with wonderful writer & popular writing instructor Joni B. Cole on her delightful podcast series “Author, Can I Ask You?” (June 2021). We discuss the inspiration of Jane Austen, the genre of romance, the revision process, the joy of snacks & more…


Recent Releases in Ebook, Paperback, and Audio:

**My Latest Holiday Romance is Available Everywhere!! Take a peek below at The Knight Before Christmas book cover & check out an excerpt HERE!**

Available both digitally & in paperback!!

WANT PRINT? Buy Amazon PAPERBACK Here and Barnes & Noble PAPERBACK Here!!!



Other Publishing News:

July 1, 2019: Two MIRABELLE HARBOR SERIES Boxed Sets, which include the entire collection of stories between them, are now available on Kobo, Kindle, Nook & iBooks!! For more information on these books, head over to the SERIES PAGE!

The Mirabelle Harbor Series Books 1 – 4:

Amazon    BN    iBooks    Kobo

The Mirabelle Harbor series Books 5 – 7 plus bonus romance:

Amazon    BN    iBooks    Kobo


This beautiful second edition of A SUMMER IN EUROPE (February 2019) has hit the ebook shelves!! Buy links are here for
Amazon    BN    iBooks    Kobo so you can grab a copy from your favorite retailer! And the new paperback is available, too… Read an excerpt from the novel HERE!!

**Published author interview by Nicholas Som on (July 6, 2018) — “The Road of Flight: Three Authors Reflect on Their Route 66 Novels” — as the National Trust for Historic Preservation works to bring awareness to our beautiful Route 66. I was so honored to be one of the featured authors and to get to chat a bit about THE ROAD TO YOU!**


My romantic short story, “When Life Imitates Art,” is included in RWA’s newest anthology, SECOND CHANCES!! I adore the cover (holy hotness, Batman!) and the iBooks, KoboB&N and Kindle buy links are all live. The paperback edition is available, too!

Do you believe in second chances?

Romance Writers of America brings together seventeen of today’s hottest authors in an anthology of never-before-published tales that reveal true love always deserves a happy ending.

With characters who find love through tough situations, in elegant 1800s ballrooms, with an old friend who shows up when least expected, at a tender age when cliques and homework get in the way of relationships, or after a random encounter in an unlikely setting, Second Chances delivers romance to strike every reader’s fancy.



 For Audio Lovers:

audio HManALL THREE BOOKS in my Sweet Temptations Collection are available on audio: my sexy contemporary romance, Holiday Man, (here on Audible), my light romantic comedy, On Any Given Sundae (here on Audible), and another contemporary romance with a hint of mystery, Double Dipping (here on Audible). They’re all available, as well, through the audio publisher, Post Hypnotic Press.

audio OAGS     DDipping audio

ALSO IN AUDIO: The Road to You (here on Audible) and the expanded book-club edition, The Road And Beyond (here on Audible)have also been released by Post Hypnotic Press!! Thrilled to finally get to hear these stories read by such a wonderful narrator ;).

Road to You - Audio   Road and Beyond - Audio


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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson